Friday, August 21, 2009

Adventures with Wonder Woman!

August 21st, 2009 11:43 p.m.
Adventures with Wonder Woman

So…here is the thing, if you have ever traveled with my mom, Leigh-Ann, then you understand what a real vacation is. In fact, I am going to refer to her in the rest of this blog post as Wonder Woman. After making sure that we made it to Meadville from Pittsburgh, and even making sure that we found a restaurant on the way to Meadville that was DELICIOUS, by the way! (It was called The Elephant and Castle, location unknown) We got settled in and were ready to conquer not only Meadville but Pittsburgh. The next morning, we got ready; then proceeded to go to the campus, because Wonder Woman hadn’t seen it yet. I showed her the majority of the buildings and were I will be living next year, Ravine! It wasn’t long before she was ready to take me to my doctor’s appointment. Just in case she reads this I would like to point out that she was right and being there around an hour early was a good idea because they had to copy all my records along with filling out some general information about myself and what is wrong with me.
The thing is my mom has always been very direct with doctors and make sure that the treatment that I am given is the best that is available. She also isn’t scared to ask questions and be completely blunt and direct with everything considering my health. Just trust me, this doctor’s appointment was no different than the others, I actually think she was even more on top of her game this time because she knows how much pain I have been in for the past few months. Even though the doctor was very sharp and almost condescending with both of us, I believe that he will help us sooooo much because he does know what he is talking about, and your doctor should be someone you want to tell you like it is and not your friend, right?
Wonder Woman and I then went and got pedicures which just makes everything better. Even though the Asian who ended up doing my mom’s toes told her to hold still and even almost coped an attitude until she gave him his tip. We picked up my new prescription at this grocery type store and my mom and I asked the lady at the pharmacy where she thought would be a good restaurant for dinner. She told us to eat at Valenza. Side note: the food in Meadville is not even comparable with Butte at all, just thought I would let you know that. It was just like any Old Italian restaurant, nothing particularly special about it at all.
I would just like to point out that things just happen for Wonder Woman all the time. My Grandpa Gail says that she has the magic and that things just happen when she is around. Looking back on my life and the situations that both of us have been involved in I believe it, there is something about her that makes things just work out for her and the people that are around her, maybe it is just because she has so much faith in God and Karma that things just work out there order for her. Well, the first one of these instances happened today when we ended up screwing up our booking for this trip and didn’t have a room for tonight, but magically she called up Marriot and she had enough points for a free room in downtown Pittsburgh for free. Things just work out for her, most of the time.
So that takes me to today, Wonder Woman and I took off to Pittsburgh. Side note: Pittsburgh gets a bad rap, by the way. I think it isn’t really dirty, trees are everywhere and it doesn’t smell, doing all of these things while being a big metropolitan area. Wonder Woman took on Pittsburgh with full force and we were able to not only find almost every single thing for my dorm today but also managed to buy school clothes for Johna, Annie and Mederios. Wonder Woman also found some Steelers “things” for those of you back home who are die-hards.
We decided that at the end of the day that we were going to go see a Pirate game because neither I nor Wonder Woman had visited PNC Park to see the Pirates. If you know Wonder Woman, you know that she shares a deep passion for baseball along with the majority of her family. She usually shows up to games two hours early to buy her score card and watch batting practice and probably use her magic to get another autograph to add to her collection. Well, today was a really busy day because we didn’t even make it to Pittsburgh until eleven, so we had a lot of things to do. We ended up getting to the game at the end of the first inning, which my mom said didn’t bug her but her score card wasn’t complete. Side Note: She keeps all the score cards from all the games she has been to. We were able to walk up to the ticket booth and get GREAT seats after the game had started for $27.00 which is a steal!!! We watched a great game and I even enjoyed a hot dog that was only $1.00, how crazy is that for a ball park? As the game progressed, Wonder Woman made a friendship with this little girl in front of us, who reminded me of my little sister goo-goo gallus (Annie), she would smile at the both of us on and off every few minutes. After the seventh inning stretch, I asked Wonder Woman, “I wonder who through the first pitch because they usually have someone famous at most ballparks?” She didn’t know and looked confused as if she didn’t understand why that was such an important aspect of the game for me. And then it happened, her magic again, like always. It just so happened the guy that sat in front of us at the game through the first pitch. His daughter was the cutie that kept smiling at us, and his family was there to support him because he was the guy who through the first pitch. Sometimes I can’t believe that things like that happen to Wonder Woman and I and then I remember what my Grandpa said, “She has the magic!”

10 freaking sweet things I got for my dorm!
1. A red microwave that is quite possibly the coolest microwave I have ever seen in my life.
2. The biggest coffee cups/bowls that have ever been made, they serve two purposes!
3. The MOST comfortable pillow ever from Macy’s that was on super sale and from this company that has been making pillows for like 150 years, so I trust them.
4. Barack Obama poster, not explanation needed.
5. A beautiful painting that Wonder Woman got me for my dorm, even though I got it back in Butte it still makes the list.
6. Bedding set that is going to be super comfortable; it is blue, green and white and reminds me of something that Kelly and Kaitlyn might have in their room.
7. A wax pot and all the essentials so that I can make sure that my eye brows look great even without Wonder Woman.
8. Every essential needed ever for your room! Ever!
9. A little kid’s pink and purple pop up hamper, it is sweet!
10. A teal and dark blue plate that are really nice and that I love a lot.

Shout outs
*Amber thanks for sending me picture updates every hour.
*I miss my little sisters so I send out my love to you.
*Dad don’t forget to send out my Tie-dye shirt and tapestry please!

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