Monday, August 24, 2009

Why no WI-FI?

August 24, 2009

I was quickly reminded on the 22nd of my obsession, more like a security blanket, that the internet provides for me. After I was partially settled into my dorm room, the first thing that I did, just like at home was turn on my computer and get on the internet to check facebook, email and other things depending on my mood. I sat on my bed, and began a treacherous set up of the wireless connection which just took me a really long time to even begin to try and understand, around one hour later I was still confused when the wireless continued not to work even though I followed all instructions to set it up. So I walked over to my RA’s room to ask her why the WI-FI connection wasn’t working because I set it up. She told me that this dorm doesn’t have WI-FI. Maybe I am just being a snot but if you are paying $42,000 a year for college, don’t you think that your dorm should have WI-FI? I think it should be provided.
So I went to go buy an Ethernet cord from the bookstore so that I don’t have to borrow my roommate’s, Erin, every time that I need to go on the internet, which is a lot. The one thing that I don’t really like to live my life without, internet, is now being deprived because the bookstore is out of Ethernet cords.
Besides that, yesterday I had the opportunity of not only meeting my advisor/teacher for the next year and a half, but also meeting my peer leader. They helped me look at classes and put together a schedule with backups for this semester. I guess I will find out if I get my ideal schedule tomorrow morning.

Ten things that suprise me about Allegheny College
  1. No WI-FI, please? (in my dorm)
  2. The food, it is suprisingly good! They have this "special corner" in Brooks where there is usually something delicious that they prepare for you as you watch instead of buffet style, which is nice because buffet style grosses me out.
  3. Nobody wakes up before 8, I love it but it is really funny mostly because Matt, peer leader, and I were talking about it when we were walking to drop off my class schedule this morning at 8:20 a.m.. I actualyl think that we were the only ones on campus walking around, except for maybe one or two people.
  4. The fact that they believe that seven girls will be able to share one toilet and one shower, every day and every week. ha ha! I am actually suprised we haven't had any problems yet!
  5. How well they matched my roomate, Erin, and I. Let's just say this, I am chill and she is chill and we decided that we are willing to share everything except underwear with each other.
  6. The second set of stairs on the way to Ravine, they are suprisingly large and require you you to think whether or not to take two steps in between each or to take longer strides.
  7. NO WI-FI???????
  8. It seems that every group whether it be dorm or even Freshman Seminar group likes to meet and go to places in groups, I feel like we are in a cult!
  9. They passed out condoms yesterday because last year they ran out of Plan B. (Don't freak out Dad)
  10. WI-FI?

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