Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Birthday Month means Birthday soon which means Birthday weekend

Just in case you might be wondering what you should get me for my birthday, not that you need to buy me anything. But just in case you were thinking about it. I have decided to dedicate this blog post to what you could, should or might want to get me for my birthday...that is if you decide you want to get me something.

Top 10 things I would like for my 19th Birthday
The Master List

1. Pimp Cup
I feel as though I need one of these cups to both display in my house but also to carry around with my delicious drinks on birthday weekend. I love almost all the cups located on this website so decided with your own discretion which one you think I would like best.

2. Cotton Candy Machine
Max thinks that this is a bad idea because of the sugar highs I experience after eating tubs of cotton candy but GUESS WHAT it isn't his birthday month or birthday weekend so if you want you can most definitely get me a cotton candy machine. You might be my favorite person if you get me this. Just sayin'

3. Fantasia on DVD
This is my favorite Disney movie of all time and it is a shame that I don't own it on DVD. I truthfully would appreciate if you would get this forme :)

4. Zenon Girl of the 21st Century on VHS
Trust me I know, you cannot find this on DVD but Max is nice enough to give De Commons a VHS player from his house. So more than anything I NEED this. This was my favorite disney channel movie and I can't wait to sing and dance to this classic :)

5. Mary Poppins or Princess Diaries on DVD
Julie Andrews just makes my day a better day. Love her in both of these movies and wouldn't mind adding them to my collection :)

6. In My World Poster
This poster seems like something I designed. Evoking feelings towards actions that annoy me and putting them on a poster. I think this is a must for my bedroom.

7. Sanuk Yoga Rain Dance Shoes
Any person that spends any amount of time with me knows that I wear Sanuks religiously. The second pair that I am currently wearing are about ready to be thrown in the garbage so I wouldn't mind a new pair of shoes. Size 9 andbeige please :)

8. Rainboots
You see one of the main things that it does daily in PA is rain. Last year, I spent many a day with wet dirty feet because of my lack of rain boots. I don't care where you buy them or how much they are. I just need a pair.

9. Selector 80s (DVD organizer)
I saw this while I was in Jamestown visiting Amber's boyfriend. I think they are really cool. So why not?

10. Donate to Crohn's Research
If none of these options sound appealing to you I ask you to donate to Crohn's research. I am participating in a walk in October and I would greatly appreciate your support.

once you get to this website click donate to a walker. Click Danielle Babb and submit as much money as you would like. Every dollar makes a difference in the fight for the cure.

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