Saturday, July 24, 2010

Update on Life :)

Sorry it has been soooo long since I have updated. At the end of school, I had Max change my facebook password so that I could not use the internet to stray me away from my studies. Although it was hard, I pulled off a gpa that I didn't think was possible. :)
Before I went home from school I went and stayed a week with Max and his parents. It was great to have a week break from everything to wind down before I went home. Max took me to a butterfly show at the Krohn Conservatory and the aquarium which was amazing. I have never seen anything so cool. The jellyfish and penguins were my absolute favorite part. His parents took us to an amazing restaurant called Montgomery Inn. Max also introduced me to Chipotle, which is absolutely delicious. But more than anything my favorite part of the trip was just relaxing with Max and enjoying the company of his friends and family. Max knows me way to well and took me to Supreme Nut and Candy, I later not only ate all my candy but I ate Max's. Good thing he loves me.

Coming home was needed. I hadn't seen my family since Christmas and that was hard for me but it made coming home that much better. Coming home made me realize a few things. First, that the love and the support that my family has for me is amazing. Second, that although I love my family and friends I can live 29 hours away and still function. Third, that will come back to Butte to visit but I'm pretty sure I will never be able to live here. Seeing my sisters, my Mom and My Dad was so great. They missed me so much and missed them. There love and support is such a part of my success at school and with my disease.
My friends, Kelly and Amber, were amazing to come home to. No matter how far apart that we are we still kept up our friendship. Even though this summer has been hard with work, family, and just trying to relax from the stress from school, I have tried to make time for my friends.

My cousin, Michael, came in from California for my mother's 40th birthday party which was ROCKIN! It is always an amazing time when he comes in. Everytime that he comes in we get to know even more about each other. I'm so glad that even though he is all the way in California and I am all the way in Pennsylvania we still keep super close.

After Michael left, Max came in for a week :) Even though, he wasn't able to come in for the Folk Festival it was a wonderful week with a wonderful boy. I let him experience Butte's Fourth of July and meet the family. He got to try some great Butte food and enjoy the mountains. I was so happy to get to introduce him to some Butte food and have him all to me for a good week. After six weeks of waiting I was so happy to pick him up at the airport.

That takes me to the current.

This weekend I was fortunate enough to get off work so that I could go to Jamestown, North Dakota with Kelly and Amber. I finally got to meet Amber's boyfriend Jordan and Randy his room mate. It is nice to finally have a weekend free and enjoy it with my friends. I haven't had the opportunity to spend alot of time with them so this is perfect.
Today we went and saw the giant buffalo. Slept in and made some ice cream. Great day with great friends. Still up and decided to write a blog.

Top Ten Random List of Things
1. I absolutely have realized that I have a wonderful boyfriend.
2. I miss Tarryn Maas more than anyone can know.
3. My Mom is getting amazing at injecting me with my Humira.
4. School cannot come soon enough.
5. I cannot wait for Birthday weekend.
6. Sophie is wonderful car.
7. My sisters make me want to be a better person and better role model. I love them.
8. I will never forget this past year because it has held so much for me.
9. Crohn's will not control me or my life.
10. Glozell is the most amazing person in the world. the end.

Peace and Blessings. Peace and Blessing.

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