Thursday, September 10, 2009

I am so blessed

Alot of times when I am sitting here in my room I am thinking about all of you that I have left home. It is really hard for me to look at pictures at times because I know that Butte is my "safe zone." But everyone who knows me, knows that I don't ever usually do anything that is safe. In fact, I always feel like I put to much on my self and push deadlines and usually everything ends up working out. My life here is starting to straighten out. It wierd not hearing Mederios and Johna yelling at each other or not having the convenience of a McKenzie Cobb Salad right down the road. I am here to educate myself. It is hard to realize that after living almost 18 years in Butte Montana to leave it, give it up cold turkey. Sometimes the weather here is just wierd and the humidity is just well interesting, but then I remember that before long I will be home in time for you all to spoil me which you already do with the daily phone calls, and the weekly packages (Gram Betty). Sometimes I just can't believe how blessed I am.
For those of you who haven't heard, I think for the past few days that I have had a virus which has made life really hard for me. Not having my Mom to call the doctors or my Gram to come and check in with me. The one thing that might be the hardest thing about moving out here is the fact that I have to face Crumb's Disease all by my lonesome self. Even though you all are just a phone call away you seem a whole lot further when my tummy hurts. Today is a good day though, I got some pepto which has helped the tummy and now I am ready to face philosophy class. Which should be interesting to say the least.
Next Monday could be a very important day in life of Danielle Babb because I have to discuss some treatment options with the Crumb's specialist. All of my doctors really want me to start biologics, the ones that I am considering are Humira and Cimzia. The thing is that I am not sure if I am ready mentally to start a drug that could potentially be a life long drug regime. On the other hand, what if I go into remission (yayayayayyayayayayayya) and I could go back to living a semi ordinary life? These questions way on my heart everyday, every minute and every hour. If there is one thing that you can do for me, you can pray. Pray for me and for my decisions to make sure that I can live the life that I want.

10 reasons why I am so Blessed:
  1. I have a Grandma that sends me Crohn's approved food :). I love and miss you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much Grandma. I miss our talks and your food but mostly just having you so close to me. I can't wait to see you. I love you!
  2. Little sisters. Mederios, Johna and Annie who I adore. I miss you all. I can't wait to see you because I know that you will give me lots and lots of hugs. I miss taking you to dinner at Asia's and Perkins. I miss hearing about your problems and trying to help you find a solution. I miss watching movies on the internet and TV. I love you!
  3. I am blessed because my parents believe in me. Which is something that I believe a lot of people have problems with. I know that whatever choices that I make that my parents will support me 100%. Which makes me feel loved.
  4. I get phone calls and emails everyday from everyone back home. I love listening to your messages or reading them. It reminds me of how much I love and miss you as well.
  5. Amber and Kelly. My treo. I love them. Amber and I usually talk on facebook every other hour it seems like and keep each other up to date on what is going on in the college realm. Kelly just got her computer this weekend (finally) so we have been keeping up to date via phone calls and random internet conversation. I miss you both sooo much.
  6. I am blessed that my parents have good health insurance. That lets me explore different options without worrying how to pay for it. I am very blessed.
  7. Tracy and Katie Lou. I miss you soooo much. I basically lived at your house during the summer and I definitley miss you both soo much. I love you and can't wait to talk about your Junior year. ohhhhhhh. I also can't wait just to see you because you both just make my day brighter.
  8. Riann and Ellen. I have had the opportunity to talk to you both since I have left and I have had some pretty epic conversations. Loved them. I also love that you both have been soooooooo supportive of every decision I have made and some good advice.
  9. My Mom. She has been my rock and my foundation in helping me with this disease. She is more than words can even begin to explain. I seriously do not know what I would do without her. She is always there when I need her most and always willing to do whatever I need to make sure that I am comfortable. I love you and miss you!
  10. My Dad. I talk to my dad every night. He usually calls me around five (Mountain Time) which is 7 (my time). He lets me know that he is thinking about me and I am thinking about him too. We talk about what is going on with school and Butte. I love talking to him it is really nice and enjoy it. Looking forward to hearing from you tonight. Love you and miss you.

I love and miss you all more than you can imagine! Thank you for being so supportive and loving throughout my life and journey thus far. See you in 96 days!

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