Tuesday, September 1, 2009


The past two days have been very interesting to say the least. Before I start in why they were interesting I would like to let everyone know that I am settling in quite well. Now that is out in the open, I was talking to my Mom three days ago and telling her how lucky that I was that I got the roommate that I did. It’s true, if there is was one thing that I made the transition from home to college easier, it was having a roommate that definitely didn’t get on my nerves. In fact, Erin and I really had a good run. We didn’t bother one another; we could talk about anything (her older sister even has Crumb’s like me). So what I am saying is that we were a match made in heaven.
Two days ago, we had just got back from dinner and I was going to take a nap before I started my homework. So I went to shut off my computer and get under the covers and Erin told me that she had to tell me something. She said that her Dad was on his way to come and get her. I thought that maybe there had been a death in the family or something of that nature. So I asked her why he was coming and when she would be back. She then proceeded to tell me that she was going to take a year off, that she had thought about it and that was the best decision at this point in time. So my nap became something that was unimportant. I immediately asked her if it was me, did she not feel welcome, etc? She told me that if anything leaving me was one of things that she didn’t want to do (I agree, she was one of my only friends at two days ago).
I woke up the next day, yesterday, and told her I was going to my ten o’clock class and that I wanted to see her before she left. I went to my two back to back classes and got lunch from Brooks to go and off back to the dorm. When I got back to Ravine 306 it looked empty on her side, in fact the only thing left was Erin, her computer and few breakable things that her Dad was not allowed to touch. Her Dad came up for her luggage which was by the door, told me he was sorry about all of this. He told me I could keep the fridge, the fan and the “skinny” mirror though, which was the only plus of Erin leaving, which isn’t even a plus because these things would still be here if she was. Anyway, she left and told me that if I was ever in Chicago to give her a call, I would have told her the same about Montana but she will never come there. So she left and here I am.
I told my RA, Megan (love her, she is super nice), about it when she got back from class and she told me that I will probably be alone for the first semester and then we will see for spring semester. So this opportunity has done a few things. I have made more friends with people because I am not just spending all my time with Erin. In fact, I have three new friends Tarryn, Lisa and Jenna. We went to dinner tonight and I foresee some road trips and girl talk for sure. Tarryn already invited me back to wherever she is from; it is by Erie and has a lot of wineries. I am excited because I am starting to click and fit into a group here, thankfully! Until a later date, hugs and kisses.

10 things that I have become OBSESSED with since I have been at Allegheny
  1. The raspberry iced tea fountain drink dispenser. I cannot get enough of this delicious concoction. It is so delicious, that I just noticed today that I haven't had pop in over a week and I can definitley attribute this to the fountain drink dispenser in Brooks.
  2. Cool Blue Gatorade. Almost every night for the past week, I have walked down to McKinley's and bought a Cool Blue Gatorade. In fact, last night, I went to get one and they were all gone, I must be sucking them dry. So I got a purple frost one, it was good but not as delicious. I didn't go tonight, I need to let them stock up before I binge again.
  3. I loved watching TV on DVD when I was home, but college just gives me opportunities every day to watch an episode of my favorite shows (Gossip Girl Seasons 1 and 2, Flight of the Conchords Season 1 and 2 and the OC). Gotta love it!
  4. Chicken Noodle Soup. When I got here, adjusting to the food was eh, interesting. I am used to making what I want or having something that I know I will like for all of my meals. Even though I miss my Mom's DELICIOUS chicken noodle soup, everyday Brooks has chicken noodle soup, which is healthier than most college kids diets, right?
  5. Baby Corn with Ranch. Hey for those of you who are ranch fanatics, Allegheny has good ol' Butte delicious ranch. What is even better is that they have those canned baby corns that Silver Bow has in there salad bar. So every day I usually have baby corns with ranch. Yummy!
  6. Ice Cream. Even though I have to limit my consumption of ice cream because of the Crumb's, I absolutley love the ice cream at Brooks. In fact, it is the only reason that I trek across campus for a meal. The have a ice cream freezer kinda like a mini baskin robbins where you can see inside to decide which one you would like. My favorites are Cotton Candy (they ran out today) and Spumoni.
  7. Showering. I love taking showers alot here. I just like having the convienance to shower whenever I want. One day I even showered three time. What can I say, I like being clean.
  8. Naps. OMG! College makes me happy mostly because it allows me to have one or more naps per day. I love it and so does the Crumb's :)
  9. Laundry. Even though I have only done three loads. I love it. I love it. I love it. I can do my laundry when I want, how I want, etc. It smells, feels and makes me happy.
  10. Checking my mail. Both email and snail mail, so send me stuff. Whether it be a handwritten letter or a little treat. Check in on me and let me know that you miss me.

My Address is :

Danielle Babb
Allegheny College
520 North Main Street
Box 269
Meadville, Pa 16335

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