Saturday, September 19, 2009


WOW!! I have been away from Butte, Montana for a month today. I cannot believe that I have been gone for a month. My classes are starting to get interesting, in fact I have my first exam on monday for psychology. I will let you know how it goes. I am happy to report that I got an 88 on my first speech for my Freshman Seminar on Globalization. Considering that this school is known for how hard the grading is, I was very happy with that score :] I am starting to get a hold on my philosophy class and of course my American Government and Politics class is just enjoyable. If you can believe it, I spent five hours in the library today studying and doing homework for next week. I was joking with my Mom earlier today about how I think I have studied more in just one weekend here than for my entire high school career.
One thing that has not changed since leaving Butte is my obsession with Christmas Music. Even during the summer I was listening to it, in fact as I am writing this blog I am listening to it. I cannot wait for the snow and the winter season. I am really excited. I am excited for Mom's Chicken Noodle Soup and Asia Garden's and of course ALL OF YOU!!! I am going to be home on December 16th and I won't leave until January 19th. So you have me for more than a month. MISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS YOU ALLL SO MUCH!!!

Ten things I am going to do when I get to Butte:
  1. Probably start crying when I see all of you at the airport!!
  2. Eat so much Asia Garden's that I puke!
  3. Watch The Jay Leno Show with Grandma Betty!
  4. Take a Hot Tub with the Treo!
  5. Go skiing hopefully!
  6. Watch Home Alone 1 and 2 with Dad!
  7. Hang out with Kaitie Lou for hours and hours!
  8. Drink Egg Nog and eat Gram Betty's pumpkin chocolate chip cookies!!
  9. Hang out at the Shop with Mom!
  10. Drive Sophie around and find ridiculous Butte things to do!

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