Monday, January 4, 2010

So there’s this drug called Humira…and did I mention I have a boyfriend.

January 4th, 2010
1:43 a.m.
Since I have been home one of the main questions that has been asked has been why have I not updated my blog in a long time. To those of you that have been checking for an update, I am sorry that it has taken so long.

The main reason why I stopped blogging was because of the seriousness of the Crohn's around the end of September through the end of November. When I would begin to write a blog, it would always be centered around why or how I felt which just reminded me of how sick I really was and how I wanted to pretend that I wasn't sick because I thought that everything was somehow going to work itself out (this was the beginnings of a very long road for me). I spent the majority of my time crying to my mom on the phone because I didn't know what was going on with me or my body.

It took almost having to come home to get me to try different treatment for Crohn's Disease- Humira. Within the first few days after starting treatment, I began to see a difference. It was then that I knew that I had made the right decision.

I would like to let everyone know that my inflammation levels are down and that they have began to take me off the steriods and medicines that I am on now because of the miracle drug Humira. The only changes that I have to make are wearing a swine mask on airplanes, taking lots of vitamins, making sure that I surround myself with healthy people and having hand sanitizer with me at all times. All of this seems a small price to pay when looking at the progress I have made over the last few months. I hope to be considered in "remission" within the next few months if everything continues as planned.

AND If you haven't already heard...I have a boyfriend. His name is Max. He is a freshman at Allegheny. He is 6'3'' has brown hair and brown eyes.
10 reasons why 2010 will be better than 2009:
1. MAX
2. Humira.
3. I am beginning to understand how college works.
4. NO more philosophy.
5. NO more Waggles.
6. Owl City concert.
7. Pirates opening day with Jenna.
8. Along with many other trips to Pittsburgh.
9. More frat parties and late night McKins.
10. Having friends and family that love me through it all.
*Tarryn I miss you like crazy bestfran.
*Jenna aka Roomie I can't wait to go to Sheetz and use my new gift card :)
*My new friends in Cincinnati and Max of course I miss you all already

1 comment:

  1. #1: Yay!
    #9: Not that I'm supporting underage drinking or anything...OK I might be a little...but take advantage of these social events while you're still an underclassman and not writing 30 page theses. Seriously!
