Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Birthday Month means Birthday soon which means Birthday weekend

Just in case you might be wondering what you should get me for my birthday, not that you need to buy me anything. But just in case you were thinking about it. I have decided to dedicate this blog post to what you could, should or might want to get me for my birthday...that is if you decide you want to get me something.

Top 10 things I would like for my 19th Birthday
The Master List

1. Pimp Cup
I feel as though I need one of these cups to both display in my house but also to carry around with my delicious drinks on birthday weekend. I love almost all the cups located on this website so decided with your own discretion which one you think I would like best.

2. Cotton Candy Machine
Max thinks that this is a bad idea because of the sugar highs I experience after eating tubs of cotton candy but GUESS WHAT it isn't his birthday month or birthday weekend so if you want you can most definitely get me a cotton candy machine. You might be my favorite person if you get me this. Just sayin'

3. Fantasia on DVD
This is my favorite Disney movie of all time and it is a shame that I don't own it on DVD. I truthfully would appreciate if you would get this forme :)

4. Zenon Girl of the 21st Century on VHS
Trust me I know, you cannot find this on DVD but Max is nice enough to give De Commons a VHS player from his house. So more than anything I NEED this. This was my favorite disney channel movie and I can't wait to sing and dance to this classic :)

5. Mary Poppins or Princess Diaries on DVD
Julie Andrews just makes my day a better day. Love her in both of these movies and wouldn't mind adding them to my collection :)

6. In My World Poster
This poster seems like something I designed. Evoking feelings towards actions that annoy me and putting them on a poster. I think this is a must for my bedroom.

7. Sanuk Yoga Rain Dance Shoes
Any person that spends any amount of time with me knows that I wear Sanuks religiously. The second pair that I am currently wearing are about ready to be thrown in the garbage so I wouldn't mind a new pair of shoes. Size 9 andbeige please :)

8. Rainboots
You see one of the main things that it does daily in PA is rain. Last year, I spent many a day with wet dirty feet because of my lack of rain boots. I don't care where you buy them or how much they are. I just need a pair.

9. Selector 80s (DVD organizer)
I saw this while I was in Jamestown visiting Amber's boyfriend. I think they are really cool. So why not?

10. Donate to Crohn's Research
If none of these options sound appealing to you I ask you to donate to Crohn's research. I am participating in a walk in October and I would greatly appreciate your support.

once you get to this website click donate to a walker. Click Danielle Babb and submit as much money as you would like. Every dollar makes a difference in the fight for the cure.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Update on Life :)

Sorry it has been soooo long since I have updated. At the end of school, I had Max change my facebook password so that I could not use the internet to stray me away from my studies. Although it was hard, I pulled off a gpa that I didn't think was possible. :)
Before I went home from school I went and stayed a week with Max and his parents. It was great to have a week break from everything to wind down before I went home. Max took me to a butterfly show at the Krohn Conservatory and the aquarium which was amazing. I have never seen anything so cool. The jellyfish and penguins were my absolute favorite part. His parents took us to an amazing restaurant called Montgomery Inn. Max also introduced me to Chipotle, which is absolutely delicious. But more than anything my favorite part of the trip was just relaxing with Max and enjoying the company of his friends and family. Max knows me way to well and took me to Supreme Nut and Candy, I later not only ate all my candy but I ate Max's. Good thing he loves me.

Coming home was needed. I hadn't seen my family since Christmas and that was hard for me but it made coming home that much better. Coming home made me realize a few things. First, that the love and the support that my family has for me is amazing. Second, that although I love my family and friends I can live 29 hours away and still function. Third, that will come back to Butte to visit but I'm pretty sure I will never be able to live here. Seeing my sisters, my Mom and My Dad was so great. They missed me so much and missed them. There love and support is such a part of my success at school and with my disease.
My friends, Kelly and Amber, were amazing to come home to. No matter how far apart that we are we still kept up our friendship. Even though this summer has been hard with work, family, and just trying to relax from the stress from school, I have tried to make time for my friends.

My cousin, Michael, came in from California for my mother's 40th birthday party which was ROCKIN! It is always an amazing time when he comes in. Everytime that he comes in we get to know even more about each other. I'm so glad that even though he is all the way in California and I am all the way in Pennsylvania we still keep super close.

After Michael left, Max came in for a week :) Even though, he wasn't able to come in for the Folk Festival it was a wonderful week with a wonderful boy. I let him experience Butte's Fourth of July and meet the family. He got to try some great Butte food and enjoy the mountains. I was so happy to get to introduce him to some Butte food and have him all to me for a good week. After six weeks of waiting I was so happy to pick him up at the airport.

That takes me to the current.

This weekend I was fortunate enough to get off work so that I could go to Jamestown, North Dakota with Kelly and Amber. I finally got to meet Amber's boyfriend Jordan and Randy his room mate. It is nice to finally have a weekend free and enjoy it with my friends. I haven't had the opportunity to spend alot of time with them so this is perfect.
Today we went and saw the giant buffalo. Slept in and made some ice cream. Great day with great friends. Still up and decided to write a blog.

Top Ten Random List of Things
1. I absolutely have realized that I have a wonderful boyfriend.
2. I miss Tarryn Maas more than anyone can know.
3. My Mom is getting amazing at injecting me with my Humira.
4. School cannot come soon enough.
5. I cannot wait for Birthday weekend.
6. Sophie is wonderful car.
7. My sisters make me want to be a better person and better role model. I love them.
8. I will never forget this past year because it has held so much for me.
9. Crohn's will not control me or my life.
10. Glozell is the most amazing person in the world. the end.

Peace and Blessings. Peace and Blessing.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Blast from the Past

I know I haven't updated in a long time but today I was really inspired. When I turned on the tv after I got done with my one class today (my other one was cancelled), I first opened a package from Gram Betty which had delicious Blarney Stones and then realized that The Lizzie McGuire Movie was on. Although I am quite embarassed to admit it, I love that movie. Even though the acting is horrible, it reminds me of my childhood. So I am going to dedicate this blog to my childhood and the movies that I miss dearly and would love on either DVD or VHS.

1. Pete's Dragon. This could be my favorite Disney film. It reminds me of my mom and my house on good ol' Schley. I want this movie quite dearly.

2. Alice in Wonderland. I loved this movie before all the hype with the new release. I want the original Disney release because it is soooooooooooooooo great.

3. Harriet the Spy. I just loved this movie so much. I remember it was a bright hilighter orange video cassette and it completed me.

4. Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century. This movie is one of the "good" Disney Channel Original Movies. ZOOOOOOM ZOOOOOOM ZOOOOOOOM YOU MAKE MY HEART GOO BOOOM BOOOM BOOOM.

5. Fantasia. I love this movie. It soothes my soul. I haven't watched it in probably at least 10 years so I would greatly appreciate watching it again.

6. The Rescuers. This movie was one of my favorites. I loved the albatross and the little mice saving the day.

7. The Sword in the Stone. What a great movie. Gram Betty's basement memories with Katie and Sadie.

8. Big Daddy. I love the fact that this little boy is now on the Suite Life of Zach and Cody. This movie made my day every time I watched it.

9. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I love this movie so much. I think Gram Betty was the person who introduced it to me.

10. Aladdin. I love the original and I will always. I remember cuddling up with special and watching this movie over and over again.

Monday, January 4, 2010

So there’s this drug called Humira…and did I mention I have a boyfriend.

January 4th, 2010
1:43 a.m.
Since I have been home one of the main questions that has been asked has been why have I not updated my blog in a long time. To those of you that have been checking for an update, I am sorry that it has taken so long.

The main reason why I stopped blogging was because of the seriousness of the Crohn's around the end of September through the end of November. When I would begin to write a blog, it would always be centered around why or how I felt which just reminded me of how sick I really was and how I wanted to pretend that I wasn't sick because I thought that everything was somehow going to work itself out (this was the beginnings of a very long road for me). I spent the majority of my time crying to my mom on the phone because I didn't know what was going on with me or my body.

It took almost having to come home to get me to try different treatment for Crohn's Disease- Humira. http://www.humira.com/CrohnsDisease/Default.aspx Within the first few days after starting treatment, I began to see a difference. It was then that I knew that I had made the right decision.

I would like to let everyone know that my inflammation levels are down and that they have began to take me off the steriods and medicines that I am on now because of the miracle drug Humira. The only changes that I have to make are wearing a swine mask on airplanes, taking lots of vitamins, making sure that I surround myself with healthy people and having hand sanitizer with me at all times. All of this seems a small price to pay when looking at the progress I have made over the last few months. I hope to be considered in "remission" within the next few months if everything continues as planned.

AND If you haven't already heard...I have a boyfriend. His name is Max. He is a freshman at Allegheny. He is 6'3'' has brown hair and brown eyes.
10 reasons why 2010 will be better than 2009:
1. MAX
2. Humira.
3. I am beginning to understand how college works.
4. NO more philosophy.
5. NO more Waggles.
6. Owl City concert.
7. Pirates opening day with Jenna.
8. Along with many other trips to Pittsburgh.
9. More frat parties and late night McKins.
10. Having friends and family that love me through it all.
*Tarryn I miss you like crazy bestfran.
*Jenna aka Roomie I can't wait to go to Sheetz and use my new gift card :)
*My new friends in Cincinnati and Max of course I miss you all already

Saturday, September 19, 2009


WOW!! I have been away from Butte, Montana for a month today. I cannot believe that I have been gone for a month. My classes are starting to get interesting, in fact I have my first exam on monday for psychology. I will let you know how it goes. I am happy to report that I got an 88 on my first speech for my Freshman Seminar on Globalization. Considering that this school is known for how hard the grading is, I was very happy with that score :] I am starting to get a hold on my philosophy class and of course my American Government and Politics class is just enjoyable. If you can believe it, I spent five hours in the library today studying and doing homework for next week. I was joking with my Mom earlier today about how I think I have studied more in just one weekend here than for my entire high school career.
One thing that has not changed since leaving Butte is my obsession with Christmas Music. Even during the summer I was listening to it, in fact as I am writing this blog I am listening to it. I cannot wait for the snow and the winter season. I am really excited. I am excited for Mom's Chicken Noodle Soup and Asia Garden's and of course ALL OF YOU!!! I am going to be home on December 16th and I won't leave until January 19th. So you have me for more than a month. MISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS YOU ALLL SO MUCH!!!

Ten things I am going to do when I get to Butte:
  1. Probably start crying when I see all of you at the airport!!
  2. Eat so much Asia Garden's that I puke!
  3. Watch The Jay Leno Show with Grandma Betty!
  4. Take a Hot Tub with the Treo!
  5. Go skiing hopefully!
  6. Watch Home Alone 1 and 2 with Dad!
  7. Hang out with Kaitie Lou for hours and hours!
  8. Drink Egg Nog and eat Gram Betty's pumpkin chocolate chip cookies!!
  9. Hang out at the Shop with Mom!
  10. Drive Sophie around and find ridiculous Butte things to do!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I am so blessed

Alot of times when I am sitting here in my room I am thinking about all of you that I have left home. It is really hard for me to look at pictures at times because I know that Butte is my "safe zone." But everyone who knows me, knows that I don't ever usually do anything that is safe. In fact, I always feel like I put to much on my self and push deadlines and usually everything ends up working out. My life here is starting to straighten out. It wierd not hearing Mederios and Johna yelling at each other or not having the convenience of a McKenzie Cobb Salad right down the road. I am here to educate myself. It is hard to realize that after living almost 18 years in Butte Montana to leave it, give it up cold turkey. Sometimes the weather here is just wierd and the humidity is just well interesting, but then I remember that before long I will be home in time for you all to spoil me which you already do with the daily phone calls, and the weekly packages (Gram Betty). Sometimes I just can't believe how blessed I am.
For those of you who haven't heard, I think for the past few days that I have had a virus which has made life really hard for me. Not having my Mom to call the doctors or my Gram to come and check in with me. The one thing that might be the hardest thing about moving out here is the fact that I have to face Crumb's Disease all by my lonesome self. Even though you all are just a phone call away you seem a whole lot further when my tummy hurts. Today is a good day though, I got some pepto which has helped the tummy and now I am ready to face philosophy class. Which should be interesting to say the least.
Next Monday could be a very important day in life of Danielle Babb because I have to discuss some treatment options with the Crumb's specialist. All of my doctors really want me to start biologics, the ones that I am considering are Humira and Cimzia. The thing is that I am not sure if I am ready mentally to start a drug that could potentially be a life long drug regime. On the other hand, what if I go into remission (yayayayayyayayayayayya) and I could go back to living a semi ordinary life? These questions way on my heart everyday, every minute and every hour. If there is one thing that you can do for me, you can pray. Pray for me and for my decisions to make sure that I can live the life that I want.

10 reasons why I am so Blessed:
  1. I have a Grandma that sends me Crohn's approved food :). I love and miss you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much Grandma. I miss our talks and your food but mostly just having you so close to me. I can't wait to see you. I love you!
  2. Little sisters. Mederios, Johna and Annie who I adore. I miss you all. I can't wait to see you because I know that you will give me lots and lots of hugs. I miss taking you to dinner at Asia's and Perkins. I miss hearing about your problems and trying to help you find a solution. I miss watching movies on the internet and TV. I love you!
  3. I am blessed because my parents believe in me. Which is something that I believe a lot of people have problems with. I know that whatever choices that I make that my parents will support me 100%. Which makes me feel loved.
  4. I get phone calls and emails everyday from everyone back home. I love listening to your messages or reading them. It reminds me of how much I love and miss you as well.
  5. Amber and Kelly. My treo. I love them. Amber and I usually talk on facebook every other hour it seems like and keep each other up to date on what is going on in the college realm. Kelly just got her computer this weekend (finally) so we have been keeping up to date via phone calls and random internet conversation. I miss you both sooo much.
  6. I am blessed that my parents have good health insurance. That lets me explore different options without worrying how to pay for it. I am very blessed.
  7. Tracy and Katie Lou. I miss you soooo much. I basically lived at your house during the summer and I definitley miss you both soo much. I love you and can't wait to talk about your Junior year. ohhhhhhh. I also can't wait just to see you because you both just make my day brighter.
  8. Riann and Ellen. I have had the opportunity to talk to you both since I have left and I have had some pretty epic conversations. Loved them. I also love that you both have been soooooooo supportive of every decision I have made and some good advice.
  9. My Mom. She has been my rock and my foundation in helping me with this disease. She is more than words can even begin to explain. I seriously do not know what I would do without her. She is always there when I need her most and always willing to do whatever I need to make sure that I am comfortable. I love you and miss you!
  10. My Dad. I talk to my dad every night. He usually calls me around five (Mountain Time) which is 7 (my time). He lets me know that he is thinking about me and I am thinking about him too. We talk about what is going on with school and Butte. I love talking to him it is really nice and enjoy it. Looking forward to hearing from you tonight. Love you and miss you.

I love and miss you all more than you can imagine! Thank you for being so supportive and loving throughout my life and journey thus far. See you in 96 days!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


The past two days have been very interesting to say the least. Before I start in why they were interesting I would like to let everyone know that I am settling in quite well. Now that is out in the open, I was talking to my Mom three days ago and telling her how lucky that I was that I got the roommate that I did. It’s true, if there is was one thing that I made the transition from home to college easier, it was having a roommate that definitely didn’t get on my nerves. In fact, Erin and I really had a good run. We didn’t bother one another; we could talk about anything (her older sister even has Crumb’s like me). So what I am saying is that we were a match made in heaven.
Two days ago, we had just got back from dinner and I was going to take a nap before I started my homework. So I went to shut off my computer and get under the covers and Erin told me that she had to tell me something. She said that her Dad was on his way to come and get her. I thought that maybe there had been a death in the family or something of that nature. So I asked her why he was coming and when she would be back. She then proceeded to tell me that she was going to take a year off, that she had thought about it and that was the best decision at this point in time. So my nap became something that was unimportant. I immediately asked her if it was me, did she not feel welcome, etc? She told me that if anything leaving me was one of things that she didn’t want to do (I agree, she was one of my only friends at two days ago).
I woke up the next day, yesterday, and told her I was going to my ten o’clock class and that I wanted to see her before she left. I went to my two back to back classes and got lunch from Brooks to go and off back to the dorm. When I got back to Ravine 306 it looked empty on her side, in fact the only thing left was Erin, her computer and few breakable things that her Dad was not allowed to touch. Her Dad came up for her luggage which was by the door, told me he was sorry about all of this. He told me I could keep the fridge, the fan and the “skinny” mirror though, which was the only plus of Erin leaving, which isn’t even a plus because these things would still be here if she was. Anyway, she left and told me that if I was ever in Chicago to give her a call, I would have told her the same about Montana but she will never come there. So she left and here I am.
I told my RA, Megan (love her, she is super nice), about it when she got back from class and she told me that I will probably be alone for the first semester and then we will see for spring semester. So this opportunity has done a few things. I have made more friends with people because I am not just spending all my time with Erin. In fact, I have three new friends Tarryn, Lisa and Jenna. We went to dinner tonight and I foresee some road trips and girl talk for sure. Tarryn already invited me back to wherever she is from; it is by Erie and has a lot of wineries. I am excited because I am starting to click and fit into a group here, thankfully! Until a later date, hugs and kisses.

10 things that I have become OBSESSED with since I have been at Allegheny
  1. The raspberry iced tea fountain drink dispenser. I cannot get enough of this delicious concoction. It is so delicious, that I just noticed today that I haven't had pop in over a week and I can definitley attribute this to the fountain drink dispenser in Brooks.
  2. Cool Blue Gatorade. Almost every night for the past week, I have walked down to McKinley's and bought a Cool Blue Gatorade. In fact, last night, I went to get one and they were all gone, I must be sucking them dry. So I got a purple frost one, it was good but not as delicious. I didn't go tonight, I need to let them stock up before I binge again.
  3. I loved watching TV on DVD when I was home, but college just gives me opportunities every day to watch an episode of my favorite shows (Gossip Girl Seasons 1 and 2, Flight of the Conchords Season 1 and 2 and the OC). Gotta love it!
  4. Chicken Noodle Soup. When I got here, adjusting to the food was eh, interesting. I am used to making what I want or having something that I know I will like for all of my meals. Even though I miss my Mom's DELICIOUS chicken noodle soup, everyday Brooks has chicken noodle soup, which is healthier than most college kids diets, right?
  5. Baby Corn with Ranch. Hey for those of you who are ranch fanatics, Allegheny has good ol' Butte delicious ranch. What is even better is that they have those canned baby corns that Silver Bow has in there salad bar. So every day I usually have baby corns with ranch. Yummy!
  6. Ice Cream. Even though I have to limit my consumption of ice cream because of the Crumb's, I absolutley love the ice cream at Brooks. In fact, it is the only reason that I trek across campus for a meal. The have a ice cream freezer kinda like a mini baskin robbins where you can see inside to decide which one you would like. My favorites are Cotton Candy (they ran out today) and Spumoni.
  7. Showering. I love taking showers alot here. I just like having the convienance to shower whenever I want. One day I even showered three time. What can I say, I like being clean.
  8. Naps. OMG! College makes me happy mostly because it allows me to have one or more naps per day. I love it and so does the Crumb's :)
  9. Laundry. Even though I have only done three loads. I love it. I love it. I love it. I can do my laundry when I want, how I want, etc. It smells, feels and makes me happy.
  10. Checking my mail. Both email and snail mail, so send me stuff. Whether it be a handwritten letter or a little treat. Check in on me and let me know that you miss me.

My Address is :

Danielle Babb
Allegheny College
520 North Main Street
Box 269
Meadville, Pa 16335